Taking the Time

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The gang

Here is the group who hiked the Y, minus the photographer of course....when are we going again?


Joe said...

Really great picture of me--thanks a lot. And Liz, is that a "Y" you're doing? It looks more like you are an Indian Squaw.

kristy wihongi said...

yeah, sorry about that Joe, i had to pick out of the lot of the pictures. inevitably, someone had eyes closed in each picture...and yes, you were the lucky one. i also like liz's hair..what is happening there? and charles in every picture was getting incredibly technical on his 'Y'...vaughn kept trying to get his face out from behind the various versions a la charles.

Holly said...

I am CRYING from laughing so hard!! Sorry Joe, but you look like Andrea Bocelli(and please understand that I love Andrea Bocelli). And nice sweaty pits on Jon.

Joe said...

Holly, I would have shot milk out of my nose if I were drinking it on the Andrea Bocelli comment. I look just like him--even down to the weird smile (and minus the hair and talent).

I love the pic Kris--captures us in our 'natural state' rather than being overly posed (as if that could ever be possible with a group like that)

Holly said...

Okay, Mom and Dad both lost it when I showed them the Andrea Bocelli likening. Dad almost spit his popsicle out of his mouth actually. I can't stop laughing when I look at it enlarged.

Also I meant to say in my previous comment that I love Joe too, even more than Andrea Bocelli.

Joe said...

Now I'm totally laughing because I realize that it's completely normal that Dad has a popsicle in his mouth. Seriously, how many men in their 60's eat popsicles regularly? I don't think I've had one for like 10 years. Well, that's why we love him, right?

Holly said...

I know! There are so many other things I'd rather waste calories on.

Anonymous said...

Well, I have to say he has graduated to 'juice bars.' And, he sure does LOVE them. :)

Anonymous said...

what popsicle? in what picture?

Anonymous said...

Dad had the popsicle in his mouth when he was reading the post...I know, it gets confusing...I love the way we get off on conversations that end up having not a lot to do with the original post. :)

Anonymous said...

WOOPS! I mean juice bar.

Holly said...

yes, he does make sure that it is known that they are juice bars. but it's one of his staples, like no freezer can be perfectly stocked if it lacks juice bars. funny guy.

Joe said...

HA! That's just a euphemism. Like it being a juice bar makes it more appropriate than a popsicle? Plus, right after Mom talked about juice bars, Ashley tricked her into saying popsicle again. THE JIG IS UP!

And really, I kid--the power of a good popsicle/juice bar is strong. It is one of the few things that can hold Joey's attention for more than a few minutes. When I was a missionary in Cordoba and the temperature was constantly over 50 degrees C (that's 122 degrees for those wondering) for two weeks, day and night, we survived on approximately 50 "polo flanes" per day (essentially, an oversized Otter Pop).

Anonymous said...

Popsicles, Indeed!!
Pace Bars, 4 different flavors, contents: 12 - 3 oz. juice bars. Ingredients:
Water, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, natural and/or artificial flavors, citric acid, guar gum, xanthan, carob bean gum, FD & C yellow #5, #6, and/or red #40 and/or blue #1 food colors. Made by Pacesetter, Inc., of Bountiful, Utah, $3.89 at Reams ($3.00 at WalMart), because life is too short not to buy really good juice bars. Popsicles, really!! By the way, can't help but wonder what the ingredient list looks like for the "polo flanes"...

P. S., with all those 'gums', doesn't it seem that it would make your insides stick together?

Holly said...

well, they will do something to your insides for sure.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I hear that about polo flanes during unbearable heat Joe. We would buy geladinhos in Brazil when it was in the 100s and 100% humidity! The only thing was that they were made with household tapwater which we weren't supposed to drink. Sister Carboni would have a fit if she heard we ate those. You would have to go through a couple weeks of diarrhea but totally worth the cool treat. Yeah I wonder how many "juice bars" Dad goes through a day. It seems everytime that I see him, he has one in his hand. Did you ever have so many comments on one post Kris? :)

Holly said...

Jon, I don't think that the Wihongis would approve of you using the d-word on their blog.

kristy wihongi said...

i'm not that prudish, am I? my kids certainly wouldn't mind, they are a little more 'earthy', similar to my siblings....

i don't mind the comments at all. i haven't had that many comments since i wrote about apples vs. pcs....oh wait, that wasn't me. :)

Holly said...

no you're not. maybe vw is though (i kid).

and let's not bring up the mac vs. pc post...

Joe said...

By "earthy siblings" I think you mean "Holly."

Dad, I love how everything I look at lately (and I check ingredients often these days) says "natural and/or artificial flavors." Like, what other kinds of flavors can their be? Could you be a little more specific please? And I like how they always tell you the exact color they use, as if different hues have different nutritional value. Plus, as a producer, wouldn't you want to keep that information private?

And Jonny, that's totally funny about Brazil. Anytime you can say that 'a couple of weeks of diarrhea were totally worth the treat,' you know it's good. I was always amazed at how cheap they were--around 3 cents each for the polos in Spain. Then I would wonder, "wait, if someone can make money off of something they charge 3 cents for, should I really be eating it?" Then I would wonder, "wow, how come yellow and orange are ALWAYS worse than red, blue, and purple--no matter what you're eating." Then I would wonder, "I wonder if my siblings are ever going to write me a letter?"

Holly said...

Excuse me but Jon and James take the award for "earthiness" in our family. I think even Mom would back me up on that one. Liz probably takes third place.

And I wrote you Joe...I think.